Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Small groups peer review

 Hi everyone!

Second post this week already... This is getting serious huh?!

Jokes aside, today during AICE Media we got together in groups of six and we all got to look at each other's blogs and give ideas, comments, and constructive criticism. At the end of the period, me and my group for the film opening quickly got together and shared some of the ideas our peers gave us since we were each paired up with a different group of people

Being in Nathaniel's group was really helpful. He got really creative and gave many ideas to every single one of us. For my specific film opening, he suggested that instead of the mathematician finding out about the sequence of 23, 28, and 33 days, she finds a government book with annotations about this finding. Although it was a good idea, I don't think we will follow through with it because we want to showcase a strong, intelligent female protagonist.

He also gave me the idea that while the woman is doing the equations in her head, there is a background noise of a clock ticking, to symbolize her internal clock ticking as she discovers those findings. Everyone in my group thought it was a genius idea, as it would add to the "craziness" of the character.

In the peer review group, a lot of people had really good ideas for their film openings. Two people in my group are doing coming-of-age, which I'm not sure is the best idea simply because it is hard to grasp the attention of viewers within the first two minutes of a coming-of-age movie because most of the time the conflict is character vs. self and the conflict isn't always explicitly shown.

Either way, my group plans on filming the news broadcasting scene on Friday, but I won't be here because I have DECA competition in Orlando from Thursday through Sunday, but we have to get this shot out of the way because we need the TV Production room for that, and since Zain is the only one in our group in that program, she needs to be there before she leaves for competition the following week.

I'm happy about how things have been going so far and I'm excited to start shooting! Either way, catch you later this week with an update!

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Film opening

 I am SO excited to present you with the final version of our film opening, Cycles. CLICK HERE  to watch our project. It was a good run, blog!