Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Storyline has been decided!

Hi, Blog!!

Today was the first day back after the holiday (Presidents Day), and as soon as all my group members got to class we rushed to get together to finalize the storyline for our film. Mrs. Stoklosa wasn't in school today (at least not for 8th period), and at first, the substitute gave us a tough time about getting together in groups for the project, but then we explained we were working in groups for the assignment and once she let us get together and started listening to our conversations, she told us to "actually do some work and not just talk about stories" which is, quite literally, one of the biggest parts of the entire project. But then we explained that to her and after some convincing she let us go on.

We finally decided on a good plot for the film opening, and I think we're all quite happy with it. It's going to be based on biorhythm, a pseudoscience that as defined by the NIH, the theory holds that "three different biorhythm cycles influenced three different general aspects of human behavior. There was a 23-day cycle which influenced physical aspects of behavior. A 28-day cycle influenced emotions and a 33-day cycle influenced intellectual functions."

The opening will be about a woman mathematician who starts to notice those patterns. As she reads through history books, she writes down complicated math equations that, ultimately lead her to discovering those 23, 28, and 33-day cycles. By accident, she leaves her notes open and someone discovers them, leaking them to the press. As she gets home, she turns on the TV on the news channel and sees her discoveries are being shared with civilians.

The phone then rings and on the other end of the line is her boss, telling her to come into work right that second. The shot then cuts to a zoom-in of her face of realization, as if she were saying "What did I do?" with her eyes, and then the film title will come on the screen. She rushes to the office and her boss is furious, asking her how this happened and how could she have been so careless when he specifically told her to not share those findings with anyone.

What do you guys think? We haven't run it through Mrs. Stoklosa yet, but we will on Thursday. For now, we are all going to further research biorhythm and look for possible props we can use in the film opening, like calculators, books, glasses, and mostly Mise-En-Scene objects. I'll get back to you guys later this week with an update!

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Film opening

 I am SO excited to present you with the final version of our film opening, Cycles. CLICK HERE  to watch our project. It was a good run, blog!