Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Initial Research (Alfred Hitchcock)

 Hey, blog!!

This week is what I like to call an "A day" week. That just means that there are more A days this week rather than B days, which I like because I like my classes more on A days rather than B days. But honestly, this week is different because since I'll only have AICE Media twice, that gives me and my group one less day to work on brainstorming for our project, but so far I think we're on the right track.

All four of us are actually quite excited about this project! We haven't decided exactly what genre we want it to be yet, but I am leaning towards psychological thriller, which is probably my favorite genre of all time. Alfred Hitchcock, Mike Flanagan, and Stanley Kubrick are DEFINITELY some of my favorite directors of all time, I mean come on... The Shining? Perfect. Eyes Wide Shut? Flawless. Psycho? Simply the most iconic movie of all time.

After some research, I found this video that goes over multiple techniques that Hitchcock used in his films in order to create that atmosphere of suspense and anticipation that viewers experience. He also believed in showing the audience what the character was unaware of, which I think could look really cool in our production if we are going for a mystery/thriller vibe. 

I know for a fact that all of us want to establish the tone/mood of the production through things such as lightning, like the blue tones used in the scene from "Scream" (1996) where the protagonist first picks up the phone and the TV light is blue, which slowly creates a sense of uneasiness and anxiety in the viewer, which I think is the feeling we are striving for. We agreed to have me as the main writer for the film because I tend to get pretty creative when coming up with thriller/suspense stories, so I'm excited about that. Nadia and Vanessa agreed to be actors in the production which is good because I definitely don't want to be IN the film, and we will probably all direct it together.

The details aren't quite sorted out yet, but either way, I am looking REALLY forward to this project. I have a feeling it might be one of my favorite projects I've done throughout high school. I don't know. I guess we'll see. Well, blog, this is where I leave you for today. I'll be posting more this week as I talk to my group and we decide more things and get going with our research, but for now, I leave you with my favorite quote by Hitchcock, which is also what I am using as my mantra throughout this project:

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Film opening

 I am SO excited to present you with the final version of our film opening, Cycles. CLICK HERE  to watch our project. It was a good run, blog!