Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Camera Shots quiz- reflection

 Hi Blog! Here's a reflection/evaluation on the "Camera Shots quiz"

For this activity, we were instructed to choose an inanimate object and create a story based off of it. We had a limit of 15 shots we were allowed to use for the activity, and some techniques/shots were required to appear in the story.

At first, my partner and I brainstormed ideas to see what object we would use and what the storyline would be. After a while, the idea of making the story based on a water bottle that gets lost in school after its owner forgets the water bottle in the courtyard, which leads to the water bottle being put in the "Lost and Found" and feeling like an outsider. Ultimately, the owner goes after the water bottle and they are reunited. We approached this by first seeing what type of shots we were required to have within the story, and after having those decided, we came up with the other shots.

I think overall the project turned out well, taking into account that we only had one class period to do it. The story was well-developed, but it took more than half of the time we had to come up with it, so we could improve our time management skills.

If you wish to view it, here is the link to the  project:  https://browardschools.instructure.com/courses/1642764/assignments/39239468/submissions/489940?download=240882756 

That's it for today's blog, I'll post more either this week or the next one! See ya!

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Film opening

 I am SO excited to present you with the final version of our film opening, Cycles. CLICK HERE  to watch our project. It was a good run, blog!