Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Film opening

 I am SO excited to present you with the final version of our film opening, Cycles.

CLICK HERE to watch our project.

It was a good run, blog!

I guess this is good-bye.../ CCR

 Good-bye, Blog!

Shortly, I will present you with both of my CCRs, and the final version of our film opening. This project has had it's ips and downs, but I can certainly say that it is one of my favorites I've done throughout my high school experience. This was one of the few opportunities I've had to truly showcase my personality in. 

Yesterday, I filmed all my CCRs and I spent all of my time in class and after school today editing them. It was harder than I expected to be honest. I definitely don't have what it takes to be a youtube. But, I tried.

I'm glad I got to work with such an amazing group of girls on this project. We all met through AICE Media, and I'm grateful to have met people that not only did I work well with but that became friends I hope to carry with me through life. 

CLICK HERE to access my CCRs

Monday, April 1, 2024

Update- CCR and film opening

 Hi, guys.

I guess just because I talked about never missing a blog post on my last post, I missed one. But to be fair it was because my flight was delayed over 10 hours in Brazil and I didn't have data outside of Wi-Fi, which was only free for two hours. But either way, I'm back home now.

Because I got back late yesterday afternoon (and I got food poisoning from airplane food), I didn't get to post my third blog post for last week. But, today I spent the entire afternoon filming my CCRs and I am now in the process of editing them. I had my friend Diego help me, and, since I didn't have the school auditorium, we switched one of the videos to a podcast, and the other video is a tour through the set of the film.

The film's opening is completely done and edited. The original font from Canva ended up not working because we couldn't find a way to make it animated, so we had to use a different font, but still from Canva.  Tomorrow, I'll share with you both my CCRs and the final product of the film opening. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Film opening

 I am SO excited to present you with the final version of our film opening, Cycles. CLICK HERE  to watch our project. It was a good run, blog!